A major milestone has been reached: the first million mangroves have been planted in the Malizia Mangrove Park.
The Malizia Mangrove Park is a project in the southern Philippines that was founded in 2020 with the aim of planting 1 million mangroves on the coastal area in the fight against climate change and to protect the local ecosystem. This goal has now been achieved thanks to the hard work of the participating organisations and the many donated mangroves.
But the work doesn't stop there: Team Malizia and the Mama Earth Foundation have set a new goal of planting a second million mangroves.
Help plant the second million mangroves: Donate Mangroves
The Malizia Mangrove Park project was launched in 2020 by the Mama Earth Foundation in collaboration with Boris Hermann and Team Malizia and works closely with Davao Oriental State University and the local community. The Meaalofa Foundation actively supports the Malizia Mangrove Park.
Find out more about Malizia Mangrove Park and our collaboration here: Malizia Mangrove Park
Read the whole article on the first million mangroves on the Team Malizia website: To the article by Team Malizia